Apple iPhone 7 / 7- Mobile Phone PTA Tax Calculator and Custom Duty

Apple iPhone 7 (All Variants) Tax Payable:

PKR 95324 (On Passport)
PKR 98088 (On ID Card)

Apple iPhone 7 Plus (All Variants) Tax Payable:

PKR 95324 (On Passport)
PKR 98088 (On ID Card)

Disclaimer: Taxes are approximate and may vary from 5-10%, not more.

iPhone 7/7 Plus Mobile Phone PTA Tax Calculator and Custom Duty Identifier 

Are you planning to purchase or import an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus and want to know the PTA taxes and custom duties involved? Look no further! Our efficient and user-friendly PTA Tax Calculator and Custom Duty tool will provide you with precise information about the costs, ensuring transparency before you make any decisions. 

Why choose our PTA Tax Calculator and Custom Duty tool? 

  • User-Friendly Interface: Our tool has been designed with simplicity in mind. You don’t need to be an expert in taxation or customs to determine the costs involved. Just enter the relevant details, and our calculator will take care of the rest. 
  • Accurate and Up to Date: We constantly update our calculator to reflect the latest tax rates and custom duties set by the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA). You can trust our tool to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information. 
  • Comprehensive Breakdown: Our calculator provides a detailed breakdown of all the taxes and custom duties applicable to importing or purchasing an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus. You’ll have a clear understanding of the various charges involved. 
  • Budget Planning: Planning your budget is crucial before making any purchase. With our tool, you’ll be able to estimate the total cost of owning an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus, including all taxes and custom duties. Say goodbye to surprises when it comes to payment! 
  • Save Time and Money: By utilizing our PTA Tax Calculator and Custom Duty tool, you’ll save valuable time and avoid unnecessary expenses. Make informed decisions about your purchase and ensure you get the best deal possible. 

How to use our PTA Tax Calculator and Custom Duty tool: 

  • Select iPhone Model: Choose the iPhone 7 or 7 Plus from the provided options. 
  • Indicate Phone Condition: Specify whether the phone is new or used. 
  • Enter Phone’s Declared Value: Input the declared value of the iPhone 7 or 7 Plus. 
  • Calculate: Click on the “Calculate” button to generate the results. 
  • View Results: Our tool will display a comprehensive breakdown of the taxes and custom duties associated with your selection, providing you with a clear overview of the costs involved. 

Please note that the calculated results are based on the current tax and custom duty rates, which are subject to change. It is always recommended to double-check with the relevant authorities or consult a customs expert for the most up-to-date information. 

Don’t let uncertainty overshadow your decision-making process. Make informed choices when purchasing or importing an iPhone 7 or 7 Plus. Use our PTA Tax Calculator and Custom Duty tool now to determine the exact costs involved! 

Start calculating now!